• Mizi Lee & Horizontaler Gentransfer

    Zum Abschluss ihrer Residenz in der Raumstation holt Mizi Lee noch Verstärkung dazu und lässt es ordentlich krachen:

    Konzert: I like Stuttgart and Stuttgart likes me
    21 Uhr, 26.05.22 Waggons – in Alter Schwede
    Horizontaler Genstransfer (Mizi Lee, Yun Park, Jerry Ahn, Lilian Gonzales)

    Horizontal gene transfer refers movement of genetic information across normal mating barriers – like memes or k-pop cultures spreading through smartphones or iPads. We, 4 female artists with migration background, are looking for an experimental way to research about – mode, infection and migration – with text, music and visual elements on 26th May in Waggons!


    Horizontaler Gentransfer bezeichnet die Bewegung genetischer Informationen über normale Paarungsbarrieren hinweg – wie Meme oder K-Pop-Kulturen, die sich über Smartphones oder iPads verbreiten. Wir, 4 Künstlerinnen mit Migrationshintergrund, suchen nach einem experimentellen Weg, um mit Text, Musik und visuellen Elementen über Modus, Infektion und Migration zu forschen – am 26. Mai an den Waggons!

    “I never watch movies, except my own” as I sing in Akademische Betriebskapelle, I didn‘t watch Youtube Videos or Netflix series. Maybe the truth, that I hate Harry Poter, could give some people some kind of impression, how I was. The Corona time changed my taste and life completely, I watched at least 1 hour per day meaningless youtube videos, lots of them were k-pop videos. One day or another, they became not just a dance video or something, it became a kind of a “care” for me. And I talked with my friends in korea and I realized that k-pop stars and songs are already a kind of “mental assistance” for many people in korea. For example, there is a messenger service where you can talk with k-pop singers (of course, you have to pay) – there they ask you every day, “how are you?”. Asking “how are you” everyday was a basic method of mental care when one of my friend had to visit the hospital because of serious depression.
    So it became my mental assistent – well maybe it is just another word for “addiction”. Or may-be it was just homesickness, thatś possibly why I asked 4 other Korean girls in Stuttgart to make a band. I applied for Raumstation, because I could make music there, that
    was my thought. And yes! We made music
    At first we just met and ate together. So passed 2 weeks already, and we didn´t have bassist yet. I spent time in Raumstation to write my songtext. As Frederic said me that there is money for materials, I went to the mediamarkt and bought a printer immediately. So I started put k-pop songtexts on the wall – all night long I wrote texts – hearing Goldene Zitrone.
    I found it especially beautiful that the weather in May in Waggons – the elderflowers are almost in the waggons! I came to Waggons sometimes at 8am, then it is total silent at the first time, and then I hear the workers from the DB Bahn. Then mostly the first one who wakes up and walk to the toilet is Balu. Then I say hi, and Victoire asks me to drink some coffee.
    It was a little paradise for me, and my band “horizontaler Gentransfer” was born there. After the residency we do continue concerts and music in the Stuttgart area.


    Fotos: Etienne Ninkov, Anthony Wahl, Phillip Schaugg